Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 26 of the Burpee and Plank Challenge

Today, being the 26th day of the challenge we are looking at 80 burpees and a rest day in the plank challenge. I am asked, does the plank need to be all on the forearms? Does it need to be continuous? It can be whatever you want it to be. The challenge is your, challenge, not mine. Just make sure that you have great form and are having fun!

Here is an interesting definition of a burpee.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Well it is day 21 of the Burpees and Plank Challenge. How is it going? Today I did 65 burpees and 2.5 minutes of plank. Mentally I had to break the burpees into 20 burpee sets, then I would take a drink of water, do another set. Then I hit the ground and set my phone timer for 2.5 minutes and I started on the plank challenge. Did I successfully complete 2.5 minutes off my knees? No. I did not want to sacrifice my form and start to use my back, so I went to level to 1. How is it going for you?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

How is your challenge going?

I have a Plank Challenge and a Burpee Challenge going on. Working up to a 5 minute Plank in 30 days and 100 Burpees in 30 days. My shoulder is killing me. I was attempting the push up version of the burpee but my shoulder started to hurt, so I have had to revert to regular burpees. And well, day 14 into the plank challenge has holding the plank for 1.5 minutes. I am finding that I am needing to distract myself with facebook or watching a movie on my phone to pass the time. How are you doing?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 8 of the challenges!

How are your Plank and Burpees Challenges going? Day eight means: 30 Burpees and 45 second hold for the plank. How is your form? Is your low back starting to hurt from the planks? It shouldn't. Tuck your pelvis in and pull your core (aka belly button) in (aka SUCK IT IN!). Now let's talk about burpees. I will admit that I looked up how to do a proper one. I had done one (or maybe more) in boot camp (at the gym, not the army), but I wanted to make sure that I was going to do it correctly. The website that I found said to start standing, squat down, jump back (into a plank style position), then jump your feet forward (back into the squat position) then jump up to the position that you started in. OK, I figured that I could this. Then, people starting to ask me: "Are you jumping up high enough so you clap your hands over your head and your feet clear the ground?" "Are you doing a pushup right after you jump your feet back?". That was a big NO! So, since I am a bit competitive I re did the first few days on Day four and now I am doing a 'real burpee' or to my hard core Crossfit neighbour, a 'crossfit burpee'. Does it matter? Absolutely not. This is your challenge. Have fun with it, but keep at it. Don't quit-challenge yourself. Hence the name Plank Challenge and Burpee Challenge.